Andy Warhols film San Diego Surf som spelades in 1968 i La Jolla kommer enligt Interview Magazine äntligen att få premiär. Det är Warholmuséet i Pittsburgh som sett till att filmen färdigställts. Premiär nån gång under 2012. Inspirerad av Tom WolfesThe Pumphouse Gang – som utspelar sig kring La Jolla Pumphouse i Windansea – drog Warhol dit i maj 1968 med sitt entourage, hyrde ett hus och spelade in en film... Han sade själv om inspelningen: ”La Jolla was one of the most beautiful places I’d ever seen.We rented a mansion by the sea and a couple of other houses for the people who were going to be in the movie – some of them had flown out with us and the others just met us there...Everybody was so happy being in La Jolla that the New York problems we usually made our movies about went away - the edge came right off everybody... From time to time I’d try to provoke a few fights so I could film them, but everybody was too relaxed even to fight. I guess that’s why the whole thing turned out to be more of a momento of a bunch of friends taking a vacation together than a movie.” (Kill Surf City...)
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